Limba engleza-Expresii frazale

abide by the rules=a respecta regulile
abide by the regulations=a respecta regulamentul
abound in one's own sensee=a-si fi singurul povatuitor
about and about=tot un drac
about East=adevarat
about right=corect;cum se cuvine;zdravan;solid
above-board=deschis;sincer;cinstit;cu cartile pe fata
above ground=in viata
above one's bend=peste puterea de intelegere a cuiva
above par=peste medie;deasupra mediei
above the mark=cu totul iesit din comun
above the salt=in capul mesei=in fruntea bucatelor
abreast of the time;abreast with the time=in pas cu vremea
accede to a demand;accede to a request=a stisface o cerere
accept a brief for=a accepta sa apere